Is a Permit Needed to Rent a Dumpster? 

Permit for renting a dumpster

There may be many of you that have never rented a dumpster before. Believe it or not, dumpster rentals are gaining in popularity for many reasons, mainly due to accessibility and cost.  Convenience is also definitely at the top of the list! Most dumpster rental companies are able to deliver the dumpster and pick it up for you.  In renting a dumpster people can eliminate the need for making several trips to the dump. Another great benefit of using a dumpster rental is that many of these companies will recycle your goods – you can feel good about removing items from your property and giving to those who can use it!

The Dumpster Rental Company Knows About the Permit Process and Needs

When it comes to permits and dumpster rentals, there may be some instances where you will be required to have a permit. This is something that should be discussed in further detail with your property management company or HOA to ensure that you will not get into any sort of trouble prior to renting a dumpster. Nine times out of ten though, the dumpster rental company will be able to take care of that portion for you. While they are properly licensed and insured, they are more than capable and know how to speak with the proper people in order to help you out in your situation.

Dumpster Placement

The biggest concern when renting a dumpster may be with the actual dumpster placement. If you are planning on renting a dumpster and it is solely on your property – you have nothing to worry about. If for some reason the location of your property will require you to place the dumpster on a city street or across a city sidewalk, it is suggested you speak with the proper town officials to ensure you will not be fined. They will be able to point you in the proper direction and let you know if a permit will be required.

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