Relaxing outside in your own backyard is a past time in most people’s lives. Looking over and seeing that hunky AC unit cane put a little damper on the relaxing you have going on. Taryn Whiteaker has a great DIY AC unit on her site that helps you create a cute AC cover.

What you need:
  • (4) 4’ Fence posts
  • (7) 6’ X 6” X 1” Boards
  • (14) 4’ X 6” X 1” Boards
  • (2) 4′ X 4″X2″ Boards
  • 6′ X 4″X 2″ Board
  • Quikcrete
  • 2 ½” Galvanized fence nails
  • Wood Stain
  • Sealer
  • Weed Barrier
  • Decorative filler

Measurements may vary depending on your AC unit.

Step 1

Use a hoe to get rid of the grass and even out the ground around your AC unit.

Step 2

Measure where you want your posts to be. Dig out some holes and level them out to make sure they are all equal.

Step 3

Quickcrete the hole and wait 24 hours for it to dry. Don’t rush the process of the AC unit cover.

Step 4

Begin to build! Get the panels together and then drill it in. Leave ¼” gap for the other panels.

Step 5

Secure a 2×4 pieces of wood on tap to give it a more polished look.

Now that your project is all done, step back and admire your hard work! You can check out this project at Taryn Whiteaker’s site and see the depth that she goes into. You can paint and style the cover to fit into your own background and show it off to your neighbors and friends.