It is time to start making some changes and saving energy inside your own home. Saving energy at home will decrease the amount your energy bill is going to cost. The goal is to get the money cost down. Several different factors affect the amount of energy that is used in homes. Some of those factors include climates changes, how many energy devices are used and if you commit to some of the energy changes.

Heating Challenge

Heat is one of the main energy sources that rakes up in the bills and uses the most energy in a home. Make sure that you are changing your filters regularly. Install a programmable thermostat. Some thermostats give travelers the ability to change the temperature away from home. This is an easy energy save.

Energy Efficient Lighting

Incandescent bulbs are way back in the past. They are energy suckers and are not healthy for the environment. LED (light emitting diodes) bulbs are the better choice and save a lot of energy. These bulbs last 25 times longer than incandescent bulbs and use about 80% less energy too!

Check Your House

Double check and make sure that your home is well insulated. The winter and summer times can cause anyone to make changes in their thermostat options. This can become an increase in an energy bill. A well-insulated home will not feel the heat of the summer of cool winter winds slip into their home.

 Dress Properly

The clothes you wear can have an affect on how you will feel in your home. If you are wearing shorts and a t-shirt during the winter time then you may have the temperature cranked up high in the heat department. Layer those clothes and bundle up with a blanket. This will keep you nice and warm and the bill nice and low. This saves you more energy than you think.