They’re furry, snuggly, adorable, and they’re family.

Many of you may have guessed that I’m referring to your lovable pet Bailey, Bella, Max, Lucy, or Molly (all popular dog names in the US). Yep pets! So you may be wondering why I’m even mentioning your furry friend on a Eco Blog? Well, our furry friends are no different than we are (sustainability- wise). When we purchase/ adopt/ rescue our pets, we make a commitment to them. We vow to be by their side in ‘sickness and in health’ just as they’re by our sides through it all. So why not transition yourself into a “green” pet owner?

 A green pet is eco- friendly and saves you cash- money!

Follow some of these tips and we’ll help you keep your furry friend super duper happy and healthy, and while you’re doing that why not save some extra money? Saving some money never hurt anyone? The possibilities of things to do with a couple hundred bucks are endless.

Tip 1: Opt for eco- friendly products for your pet. All that fine print seems like a hassle to read, but it does contain some important information. If you can’t pronounce those complicated ingredients, then chances are they probably aren’t so good for sweet Bailey the Labrador Retriever or Whiskers the Persian Cat. Look for products that are eco- friendly and consist of eco- friendly packaging. Make sure the products are biodegradable. Things as simple as water and food bowls made out of biodegradable materials 0r pet beds made out of organic cotton.

Tip 2: Opt for greener grooming options. When giving your pet a bath, make sure you use shampoos and conditioners that are biodegradable and eco- friendly. This way it doesn’t harm your pet’s gentle skin or cause water pollution by seeping into drains (if bathing outside). Green shampoos and conditioners will typically come right out and say they are eco- friendly. Since going green is in, and everyone’s doing it! Jump on the bandwagon where everyone accepts you with arms wide open! Harsh shampoos and conditioners will more than likely contain chemicals, dyes, preservatives, and other hazardous ingredients. So beware of anything suspicious on the ingredients list. Make sure you consult your veterinarian about products that are safe for your pet and the environment.

Tip 3: No matter how potty trained our pets are, accidents are bound to happen ever so often. A quick and easy fix is a DIY cleaning solution that contains natural ingredients. This way your family isn’t exposed to the pungent fumes of bleach, and the stained area is cleaned thoroughly as well. Click here for a few cleaning solutions that incorporate green ingredients. Make sure you always pick up after your pets no matter where you are. Always use biodegradable bags as they decompose within months in comparison to their counterparts (those plastic grocery bags). Pet feces is responsible for water contamination and 65 other diseases that affect animals and humans.

Tip 4: Feed your pet organic pet foods so they can be healthy, happy, and full! Commercial pet food companies take up a lot agricultural land, energy, and resources to raise and process meats found in their food. Opt for organic dog food for dogs as it’s minimally processed, raised in by green methods, and it’s not loaded with unnecessary hormones and other unsafe ingredients. Here’s a small example about Bailey the Labrador Retriever. He’s a healthy dog who consumes about 360 pounds of meat yearly. If there’s 70 million other healthy dogs like sweet Bailey in the United States… that’s 25 billion and two hundred million pounds of meat in just the United States. Cultivation of 2.2 pounds of chicken requires 1.7 miles of land… that’s about 278.2 miles of land needed for chicken cultivation each year. That’s just for dogs! It’s actually that serious of an issue.

Tip 5: Reduce, Reuse, & Recycle. The three “R’s” always tossed around in every eco- blog. Yes, this mantra applies to your pet as well. Don’t purchase necessary items because of the great deal you were getting at a commercial pet store. Your home is actually a gold mine of things for your pet to play with. Remember that failed patchwork quilt you attempted way back when? Tear it into a robe and tie some knots around it. Remember those old tennis balls you purchased to pick up a hobby that you still didn’t manage to pick up? Yep! Play go fetch with your furry friend. If you have any plastic toys that your pet doesn’t particularly fancy anymore… donate them! Have old baby clothes that grandma sent several holidays ago? Turn it into a fancy for Whiskers the Persian Cat! Your nearby shelters or charities would be more than happy to take extra supplies off your hands. Those old newspapers from decades ago can be beneficial to shelters as well. Please be courteous and donate unexpired and unopened pet food. Have some left over pet medicine? Drop it off along with your leftover medicine at a solid waste agency. When purchasing food for your furry friend buy in bulk if possible. This reduces the amount of packaging, cardboard, and carbon dioxide emissions from your car. That’s plus one for humans and zip for landfills!

A Small Note From Us:

We hope you keep some of these tips in mind for the future. It’s our responsibility to sustain our planet and its longevity! These tips will save you some money and keep your pets happy and healthy. So go on out and enjoy a game of fetch with your sweet friend or walk to the park instead of driving there. Next time you take on a cleaning project be sure to sort out some old unwanted things and transition them into toys for your pet. If your cleaning project is larger than you bargained keep us in mind. We’ll be more than happy to make sure you’re paying for an appropriate dumpster rental in terms of  how big or small your needs may be.

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