Have you ever had a committed African-American history unit in February—Black History Month—as a feature of your schedule?
Black History Month brings a yearly spotlight to Black accomplishments, creativity, and history that often get overlooked. With all the strife of 2020 and the Black Lives Matter development’s significance, celebrating Black History Month 2021 is a great priority than ever.
February denotes the beginning of Black History Month, a federally recognized festival of the commitments African Americans have made to the United States and an opportunity to consider the struggle for racial equity. Black History Month has become perhaps the most celebrated social legacy on the American calendar. Schools and organizations offer Black-history-themed meals and talks. At the same time, significant brands roll out clothing, TV specials, and consumer content, often tone-deaf, especially when introduced without setting.

Why is Black History Month Celebrated?

Black History Month actually began as Negro History Week in 1917. Author, writer, and antiquarian Carter G. Woodson—presently recognize as the father of black history — campaigned overwhelmingly for the public acknowledgment of black stories and viewpoints. Woodson accepted profoundly that fairness was only conceivable with the affirmation and comprehension of a race’s history and devoted his life to the study of African-American historical research. Woodson was the second African American to procure a Ph.D. at Harvard University. Woodson perceived that the American education system offered very little data about African Americans’ achievements and established the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History, presently called the Association for the Study of African American Life and History. Woodson set up the Journal of Negro History in 1916 and the Negro History Bulletin in 1937 as a method for giving Black researchers a spot to publish their exploration and discoveries.

Why is Black History Month in February?

Woodson picked the second week of February to harmonize with Frederick Douglass’s birthdays, an acclaimed abolitionist who escaped from slavery, and President Abraham Lincoln, who officially abolished slavery. The first day of February is National Freedom Day, the anniversary of the thirteenth amendment’s endorsement, which abolished slavery in 1865. Also, Richard Wright, who was oppressed and turned into a civil rights advocate and author, campaigned for the day’s festival.
As indicated by the Association for the Study of African American Life and History, Woodson created Black History Week around customary days of recognizing the black past. He was requesting the public to broaden their study of black history, not to make another custom. In doing as such, he expanded his odds for success.

Significance for the celebration of Black History Month

Woodson believed it was essential for young African Americans to understand and be proud of their heritage. Equally, Black History is significant because of the commitments that African Americans have made to build the United States into what it is today.
In our World today, African Americans have contributed to every part of society from the economy, health, various creations, education, activism, music, and sports. Without that history, there are holes in the story that can be told about the past; however, it also erases the persistence and resistance of the minority communities that have reliably pushed the United States forward to accomplish better racial value. While highlighting Black history and contribution is a unique one, it is important to recognize that Black history is American history.

Black History Month Theme 2021

Every year, a subject is selected by the Association for the Study of African American Life and History. This year 2021, the theme is The Black Family: Characterization, Identity, and Diversity, and it will investigate the African diaspora. Observing Black History Month in the work environment best practices
Race in the working environment can be a delicate subject, and numerous associations attempt to be colorblind in a confused effort to build up equity. Indeed, when organizations minimize demographic differences, this, in reality, builds underrepresented employees’ view of predisposition from their white partners and decreases commitment in their work.
Black history month best practice: Don’t be colorblind. Your workers ought to have the option to straightforwardly talk about, embrace, and be pleased with their social and ethnic foundations. Embrace your disparities!

What Black History Month Honors

Black History Month was made to focus attention on the commitments of African Americans to the United States. It respects all Black individuals from all American history times, from the subjugated individuals previously brought over from Africa in the mid-seventeenth century to African Americans living in the United States today.

Black History is American History

When learning about the passage of social liberties laws and different triumphs, learners may grapple with the thought of uniformity versus the truth that America is a long way from fair. Schools and neighborhoods are segregated, and African Americans actually fare more awful than their white companions concerning wellbeing, wealth, and incarceration rates.
Black history month helps Black people see how the inability to recognize past truths reinforces the status quo sticking to structures established in oppression.
Strategy changes alone will not add up to equality. Policies haven’t ended institutional and foundational prejudice. And they never will until all lives are really valued.
During black history month, individuals and students learn consistently and through all disciplines about the achievements, encounters, and viewpoints of Black people.

Recognizing Intersectional Black Identity

Black people must understand the value of their identity; like other marginalized groups, Black individuals have characters that intersect, making complex lived encounters and intensifying oppressive frameworks’ impacts.
This idea greatly helps African Americans that the overlapping identities help inspire and impact culture, activism, and the cognizance of black communities. Intersecting Identities lend sympathy and an appreciation for every human experience.

Celebrating Black History Month with other Countries

Since the first Negro History Week in 1926, different nations have joined the United States in celebrating Black people and their commitment to history and culture, including Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, and the Netherlands.
Black History Month keeps on serving us well. In part because Woodson’s creation is as much about today as it is about the past. February is a brief month, so if you want to actualize Black History Month activities seriously and insightfully, start today!


Wishing to Enjoy this Black History Month Amazingly?

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